Reflection on Lesson 4 video

  •  What is your general reflection on the lesson?
        Students got enough inputting knowledge but were lack of speaking practice.
  •  What do you think about the warmup used by the teacher?
        The teacher used flashcards asking students to identify whether did teacher tell right answer or not. Instead of answering yes or no, students clapped their hands or stamped their feet to answer questions. I think it was interesting but lack of chances to speak.        

  •  What lesson transition strategies does the teacher use?
        The teacher used colors to divide students into groups that let students prepare to do next steps.
  •  What teaching aids does the teacher use?
       Teacher used a small test to help students understand more and transfer the knowledge that belonged to them.
  •  What would you do differently?
       I would like to give more chances to students to speak.   


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